Agriculture and Rural Affairs
CSG East’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee grew out of the Northeast States Association for Agricultural Stewardship (NSAAS), which was created in 1999 to provide a unified voice for northeast agriculture in the development of the 2002 Farm Bill. Committee members promote the importance of agriculture in the Northeast and to the U.S.…
Canada – U.S. Relations
The Canada-U.S. Relations Committee promotes dialogue, information sharing, and collaboration among state and provincial elected officials, as well as federal counterparts, to enhance cooperation on a variety of binational issues of mutual concern, including, but not limited to, agriculture, border crossings and border management, economic competitiveness, energy, health, security, trade, and transportation. The…
Council on Communities of Color
The Council on Communities of Color (CCC) is CSG’s only self-identified member committee that provides a forum for state decision-makers to examine the unique challenges facing historically distressed and marginalized Black, Brown, Indigenous and Asian-Pacific Islander populations of color (also referenced as “BIPOC” communities). Based in CSG’s Eastern Region (CSG East), the CCC…
Criminal Justice
The Council of State Governments Justice Center works with officials from all 50 states to help achieve its goals of breaking the cycle of incarceration; advancing health, opportunity and equity for people impacted by crime and the justice system; and helping leaders understand and expand what works to improve public safety. The CSG…
Education and Workforce Development
The Education and Workforce Development Committee works with state officials from the 18 member jurisdictions of CSG’s Eastern region to provide a policy forum, a vehicle for sharing best practices, and structure for advocacy on education and workforce development issues affecting the region. The committee comprises education leaders from legislatures in each CSG…
Energy and Environment
Energy and Environment Committee The Energy and Environment Program works with state officials from ERC’s 18 member jurisdictions to provide research, analysis, and share best practices on innovative policies to help states meet their energy and climate goals.
Health Policy
The Health Policy Committee works with policymakers from all CSG East jurisdictions to identify common public health goals, find realistic solutions, and assist policymakers to implement innovations that improve the health of the region. The committee’s membership represents both legislative and executive branches from diverse agencies including health, social services, and insurance. The…
International Trade
Eastern Trade Council The Eastern Trade Council (ETC) was formed in 1999 to facilitate cooperation among the ten northeastern states in export development. While every state offers a variety of export assistance programs to help companies enter or expand into overseas markets, there are opportunities for states to work together and achieve economies…
Military and Veterans Affairs
The Military and Veterans Affairs Committee provides policymakers with a forum to share and discuss issue-based solutions uniquely related to military members, veterans, and their families. The committee also serves as a vehicle to build regional consensus that fortifies the ongoing cooperative federal–state relationship designed to improve the overall health and well-being of…
Northeast High-Level Radioactive Waste Transportation
The Northeast High-Level Radioactive Waste Transportation Project works with state officials from CSG East’s member states to facilitate communication with the federal government about planning national nuclear waste shipment campaigns that operate within the region. The project, funded through cooperative agreement grants from the U.S. Department of Energy, staffs the Northeast High-Level Radioactive…
Northeast Task Force Fall 2022 Meeting
The Fall meeting of the Northeast High-Level Transportation Task Force was held October 26-27, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, New Jersey. A Summary of the meeting and presentations provided are listed below. Northeast Task Force 2022 Fall Meeting Summary Update on the 3Yankee’s A Community Preparedness and Planning Pilot Framework…
Territorial Relations
The Committee on Territorial Relations offers policymakers a greater understanding of territorial government structure and governance by serving as a conduit to address opportunities in trade, economic development, and various social issues that affect the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The committee provides policymakers with an opportunity for information…
The Transportation Policy Committee serves as a forum for state and provincial elected officials, their federal counterparts, as well as policy makers from state transportation departments, authorities, and industry stakeholders, to share information, explore solutions, and advocate for transportation funding and financing policies and innovative technological solutions that will maintain and enhance the…