CSG/ERC joins Network for Public Health Law

October 27, 2015

Joining seventeen prominent groups such as the National Governor’s Association, NCSL and the American Heart Association, CSG/ERC has joined the Network for Public Health Law as a Friend. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Network is a non-profit, non-partisan organization working to improve public health law and policy. Like CSG, the Network is organized regionally; the Network’s Eastern Region closely mirrors CSG/ERC states. Network attorneys and researchers provide policymakers with technical assistance, track best practices, and foster collaborations that strengthen the region’s health. Following up on connections at our annual meeting in Delaware this summer, CSG/ERC and the Network’s Eastern region office are collaborating on a variety of joint projects. Eastern region policymakers with questions or input on the region’s health needs are urged to contact the Network for assistance.

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