2022 Toll Fellowship applications are now open
CSG is now accepting applications for the 2022 Toll Fellowship.
The Toll Fellowship, named for CSG founder Henry Wolcott Toll, is one of the nation’s premier leadership development programs for state government officials. Each year, the Toll Fellowship brings 48 of the nation’s top officials from all three branches of state government to Lexington, Kentucky, for an intensive five-day leadership boot camp. The program’s sessions are designed to stimulate personal assessment and growth while providing priceless networking and relationship-building opportunities.
The 2022 Toll Fellowship will be held August 26-30, 2022 in Lexington, Kentucky.

The Toll Fellows Program targets outstanding rising state government officials from all three branches of service. Elected, appointed and merit officials may all apply. Toll Fellows is designed as a “graduate” level program complimenting leadership development programs offered by CSG regional offices. It is, therefore, suggested but not required that applicants first complete their respective regional program.
To apply, applicants will need:
- One Letter of Nomination: This letter must be from a member of the applicant’s state government.
- Two Letters of Recommendation: These letters may be written by anyone you have served with in state government, anyone who has been impacted by your leadership or anyone in a position to evaluate your leadership skills. Letters from chamber leaders and Toll Alumni are recommended, but not required.
- Current Resume: Resumes must be limited to two printed pages.
- Short answers to four prompts.